Предлагаем продукцию ABB Kent-Taylor:
114S866 MOD 30 Battery ABB MOD 30
1700FZ10000A MOD 30 Portable Memory Module ABB MOD 30
1700RZ10005C Taylor MOD 30 Controller ABB MOD 30 3
1700RZ14004A Taylor MOD 30 Controller ABB MOD 30 1
1700RZ14005A Taylor MOD 30 Controller ABB MOD 30 21
1701FZ00001A MOD 30 Housing ABB MOD 30 40
1701RZ10003D MOD 30 XL Controller ABB MOD 30 2
1701RZ14003C MOD 30 XL Controller ABB MOD 30
1701RZ14003D MOD 30 XL Controller ABB MOD 30
1711FZ10000C MOD 30 Portable Memory Module ABB MOD 30 6
1720FZ10000A MOD 30 Standard Termination Panel ABB MOD 30 1
1721NE10551A Relay Input Module - IDC5L ABB MOD 30
1733FZ14000B MOD 30 Interposing Relay Panel ABB MOD 30 2
1750FZ00999A MOD 30 Cable ABB MOD 30 23
1800RZ21100A MOD 30ML ABB MOD 30
2001FP17000A MODCELL Series 2000 Instrument Housing ABB
2001NZ10801B MODCELL Series 2000 Controller ABB MODCELL
2001NZ10801C MODCELL Multiloop Processor ABB MODCELL 3
2001PZ10103A MODCELL Identity Module - Logi, c Control ABB
2002AZ10101A Analog Input Module ABB MODCELL 19
2002AZ10101B Analog Input Module ABB MODCELL 4
2002PZ10102A MODCELL Indentity Module ABB MODCELL 2
2003AZ10101A Analog Output Module ABB MODCELL
2004AP10100A Digital Input Module ABB MODCELL 17
2004AP10140A Digital Input Module ABB MODCELL 50
2004PZ10103C MODCELL Indentity Module ABB MODCELL 1
2005AP21100A Digital Output Module ABB MODCELL 3
2009AZ10220B Analog Input Module - RTD ABB MODCELL 5
2010PZ10000A MODCELL Portable Memory Module ABB MODCELL
2011AZ10100A Mechanical Relay Output ABB MODCELL 18
2012AZ10101B Analog Input Module 2-Wire Tx ABB MODCELL
2030NZ10000A MODCELL ICN Communication Module ABB
2032NZ10000B MODCELL Communications Module - RS485 ABB
2034NZ10000A Serial Communications for Modbus RTU ABB
2050RZ21102 MODCELL 2050R MODCELL 2050R Single Loop
Controller ABB MODCELL 1
258580A1 CLC03 CLC03 Faceplate Bailey 1
SLC02 SLC02 Single Loop Controller Bailey
1948002 Disk Drive ST-4096 ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
1948013A1 Disk Controller ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
1948517A3 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90
1948580A1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
1948850A1 DIP Shunt Circuit ABB Bailey Infi 90
1948850A2 DIP Shunt Circuit ABB Bailey Infi 90
6632686-50-1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6632686-A60-1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6632686A40-1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6632686A60-1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6633644A1 OIS Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90
6633645A1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 5
6634329A34N12 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6634512A26 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90
6634688G1 Termination Motherboard ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6634838A1 6634837B1 Relay Board Assembly ABB Bailey Infi
90 1
6635051G1 Power Supply ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6635291C1 6635291C1-25 Flamon Sensor Cable ABB Bailey
Infi 90 1
6636488A1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637258A1 Disk Drive ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637460-A30N Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637597A24100 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637813C1 IEPEP03 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90
6637814A2 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 4
6637826B1 AC Transfer Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
6637827B1 AC Transfer Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
6637830E1 Bus Monitoring Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6637830G1 Bus Monitoring Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
6638514A1 Keyboard ABB Bailey Infi 90 7
6638553A5 OIS Power Supply ABB Bailey Infi 90
6638553V5 OIS Power Supply ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6638716A1 Cable ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6639030L2 OIS Keyboard Interface Assembly ABB Bailey
Infi 90 2
6639490A1 IEPEP03 Power Entry Panel - Special Dimensions
ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
6639890A1 Standard Relay Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90
6639890A2 Standard Relay Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90
6640347A1 OIS Card File ABB Bailey Infi 90 5
6641684A21 Operator Keyboard ABB Bailey Infi 90 4
6642016A2 Relay Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
6642016D2 External Relay Panel Termination Unit ABB
Bailey Infi 90 6
6644177A11 Harmony DC Output Assembly ABB Bailey Infi 90
AIN-200 P-HB-AIN-200010000 AIN200 Harmony Analog Input
Module, Block I/O ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
AIN-220 PHBAIN22010000 Analog Input Module - Harmony Block
I/O ABB Bailey Infi 90 6
AIN-300 PHBAIN30010000 Analog Input Block ABB Bailey
Infi 90 1
AOT-150 PHBAOT15010000 AOT 150 Analog Output Module ABB
Bailey Infi 90
B-5MPBC IIATB05 MouseTRAK Trackball ABB Bailey Infi 90
BRC-100 P-HC-BRC-10000000 BRC100 Harmony Bridge Controller
ABB Bailey Infi 90 8
BRC300 PHCBRC30000000 BRC300 Bridge Controller ABB
Bailey Infi 90 5
BRC400 PHCBRC40000000 BRC400 Bridge Controller ABB
Bailey Infi
CSC01 Loop Command Sequence Controller ABB Bailey Infi
CTT02 Handheld Configurator Tuning Terminal ABB Bailey
Infi 90
DIO-400 PHBDIO40010000 Digital I/O Module - Harmony Block
I/O ABB Bailey Infi 90 18
DOT100 PHBDOT10010000 DOT-100 Digital Output Block ABB
Bailey Infi 90 1
DOT120 PHBDOT12010000 Digital Output Module ABB Bailey
Infi 90 1
FIO 100 PHBFIO10010000 Fieldbus I/O Module ABB Bailey
Infi 90 1
IEFAN01 Fan Assembly, 120 VAC Six Fans ABB Bailey Infi
90 7
IEMMU01 Module Mounting Unit - Rear Mounting ABB Bailey
Infi 90 27
IEMMU02 Module Mounting Unit - Front Mounting ABB Bailey
Infi 90 1
IEMMU04 Module Mounting Unit - 5 Slots ABB Bailey Infi
IEMMU11 Module Mounting Unit - Front Mounting ABB Bailey
Infi 90 2
IEMMU12 Module Mounting Unit ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IEMMU21 Module Mounting Unit ABB Bailey Infi 90 15
IEMMU22 Module Mounting Unit - Front Mounted ABB Bailey
Infi 90
IEPAF01 AC Field Power Supply Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IEPAF02 AC Field Power Supply ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
IEPAS01 AC System Power Supply ABB Bailey Infi 90 25
IEPAS02 AC System Power Supply ABB Bailey Infi 90 23
IEPDP01 Power Distribution Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90 6
IEPDS01 System Power Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IEPDS02 System Power Module - 48VDC ABB Bailey Infi 90
IEPEP03 Power Entry Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90 4
IEPMU01 Power Mounting Unit, Rear Mount ABB Bailey Infi
90 6
IIADP01 Annunciator Display Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90 3
IIADP02 Annunciator Display Panel ABB Bailey Infi 90 22
IIEDI01 Interface Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IIMCL01 Multibus Communication Link Termination ABB
Bailey Infi 90 26
IIMCP01 Multibus Communications Processor ABB Bailey
Infi 90 23
IIMCP02 Multibus Communication Module, SCSI ABB Bailey
Infi 90 2
IIMKM01 Multibus Keyboard Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 24
IIMKM01A Multibus Keyboard Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IIMKM02 Multibus Keyboard Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IIMKM02A Multibus Keyboard Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IIMLM01 Multibus Loop Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IIMPM01 Multibus Processor Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 20
IIMPM02 Console Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IIMRM02 Multibus Reset Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IIMSM01 Multibus Serial I/O Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IISAC01 Analog Control Station ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMAMM03 Analog Master Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 5
IMAOM01 Analog Output Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMASI02 Analog Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 21
IMASI03 Analog Input Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 44
IMASI13 Analog Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
IMASI23 Analog Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMASM01 Analog Input Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMASM03 Analog Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 3
IMASM04 Analog Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMASO01 Analog Output Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 6
IMASO11 Analog Output Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMBLK01 Blank Module Assembly ABB Bailey Infi 90 57
IMCIS02 IMCIS02R Control I/O Slave Module ABB Bailey
Infi 90 188
IMCIS12 Control I/O Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMCIS22 Control I/O Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMCOM03 Enhanced Controller Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 6
IMCOM04 Advanced Controller Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMCPM01 Configuration Port Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMCPM02 Communication Port Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 6
IMDER01 Single Drive Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMDSI02 Digital Input Slave ABB Bailey Infi 90 198
IMDSI12 Universal Digital Input Slave Module ABB Bailey
Infi 90 6
IMDSI13 Digital Input Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMDSI14 48 VDC Digital Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMDSI15 Digital Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMDSI22 Digital Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMDSM04 Pulse Input Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
IMDSM05 Digital I/O Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 5
IMDSO01 Digital Slave Output Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMDSO02 Digital Output Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMDSO03 Digital Output Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMDSO04 Digital Output Slave ABB Bailey Infi 90 163
IMDSO14 Digital Output Slave ABB Bailey Infi 90 10
IMDSO15 Digital Output Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 2
IMFAI01 Isolated Analog Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMFBS01 Field Bus Slave ABB Bailey Infi 90 53
IMFCS01 Frequency Counter Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi
90 14
IMFEC11 Field Equipment Communication (Analog Input) ABB
Bailey Infi 90 1
IMFEC12 Analog Input Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 58
IMHSS02 Hydraulic Servo Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMMFC04 Multifunction Controller ABB Bailey Infi 90 9
IMMFC05 Multifunction Controller ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
IMMFP01 Multi-Function Processor ABB Bailey Infi 90 20
IMMFP02 Multi-Function Processor ABB Bailey Infi 90 71
IMMFP03 Multifunction Processor Module ABB Bailey Infi
90 7
IMMFP03B Multifunction Processor - 8 MB ABB Bailey Infi
90 1
IMMFP11 Multifunction Processor Module ABB Bailey Infi
IMMFP12 IMMFP12R Multifunction Processor Module ABB
Bailey Infi 90 12
IMMPI01 Multi-Function Processor Interface ABB Bailey
Infi 90
IMMPI02 Multi-Function Processor Interface ABB Bailey
Infi 90 1
IMPCC01 IMPCC01 Programmable Controller Coupler ABB
Bailey Infi 90
IMQRS22 Quick Response I/O Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 3
IMRIO02 Remote I/O Slave Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
IMSET01 Sequence of Event Time Keeper Module ABB Bailey
Infi 90 1
IMSPM01 Serial Port Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
INBIM02 Bus Interface Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 5
INBTM01 Bus Transfer Module ABB Bailey Infi 90 1
INDDM01 6640930A1 Disk Drive Module ABB Bailey Infi 90
INICT01 INFI-Net to Computer Transfer Module ABB Bailey
Infi 90 1
INICT03 Infi-Net to Computer Transfer Module ABB Bailey
Infi 90
INICT03A Infi-Net to Computer Transfer Module ABB Bailey
ABB Procontic
07 KR 240 R1 GJV3 0724 02 R1, 07 KR 240b Controller -
Basic Configuration 220 Vac ABB Procontic 7
07 KR 264dR1 GJV3072403R1 Basic Configuration Unit ABB
Procontic 2
07 KT 228 GJV3 0724 17 R1 Basic Configuration Unit ABB
Procontic 2
07 KT 240D R1 GJV3072419R1 Basic Configuration Unit ABB
Procontic 1
07 KT 31 FPR3600228R1202 Central Unit - 30 Series ABB
Procontic 1
07 XS 80 GJR5212000R5 Procontic Digital Input Module ABB
Procontic 15
07 YS 80 GJR5212100 Procontic Digital Output Module ABB
Procontic 8
07 YS 81 GJR52221800R2, GJR52221810R1 Binary Output Module
ABB Procontic
07 YS 86 GJR5215400R2 Procontic Relay Output Module ABB
Procontic 3
07 ZB 60 GJR5240200R0001 Coupler Module for ABB Fieldbus
ZB10 ABB Procontic 6
07 ZB 69 R1 GJV3074379R1 Bus Coupler Card ABB Procontic
07 ZB 69 R2 GJV 30 743 79 R2 Fiber Optic Coupler ABB
Procontic 1
07 ZE 60 R201 GJV3074320R201 Central Unit ABB Procontic
07 ZE 60 R302 GJV 30 743 20 R302 07ZE60 Central Unit ABB
Procontic 3
07 ZE 61 R101 GJV3074321R101 Central Unit ABB Procontic
07 ZE 61 R201 GJV3074321R201 Central Unit ABB Procontic
07 ZE 61 R302 GJV3074321R302 Central Unit ABB Procontic
07 ZE 62 R101 GJV 30 743 22 R101 Central Unit ABB
07 ZE 62 R201 GJV3074322R201 Central Unit ABB Procontic
07 ZE 62 R302 GJV 30 743 22 R302 Central Unit ABB
Procontic 2
07 ZE 63 R302 GJV 30 743 23 R302 Central Unit ABB
07 ZE 82 Procontic CPU Module ABB Procontic 1
07 ZE 85 07ZE85R1,GJR5219400R0001/9075 07ZE85 Processor
Module ABB Procontic 1
07 ZE 88 GJR5231800R101 Processor Module ABB Procontic
07 ZG 60 R1 GJV3074356R1 HIgh Speed Counter Module ABB
Procontic 1
07 ZW 80 GJR5215300R2 07ZW80 Procontic B Module ABB
Procontic 1
07BE61R1 GJV3074305R1 Rack 9-Slot ABB Procontic 4
07PT40 Programmer ABB Procontic 1
1SBP260106R1001 XE08B5 XE08B5 Analog Input Expanison
Module ABB Procontic 2
1SBP260502R1001 ICMK14F1 ICMK14F1-K10.0 ICMK14F1 Remote
Unit ABB Procontic Ask
1SDH000460R0508 SACE PR120/B SACE PR120/B Power Connection
Unit ABB Procontic 1
ECZ FPR3700001R0001 ECZ Bus Module ABB Procontic 199
FPR3311101R0026 ICSO08Y1-230 ICSO08Y1 Output Unit ABB
Procontic 2
FPR3311101R1022 ICSO08Y1-24 ICSO08Y1 Output Unit ABB
Procontic 2
FPR3312101R0026 ICSO08R1-230 ICSO08R1 Output Unit ABB
Procontic Ask
FPR3312101R1022 ICSO08R1-24 ICSO08R1 Output Unit ABB
Procontic 3
FPR3315101R0014 ICSI08D1-120 ICSI08D1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 11
FPR3315101R0016 ICSI08D1-230 ICSI08D1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 2
FPR3315101R0034 ICSI16D1-120 ICSI16D1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 1
FPR3315101R0036 ICSI16D1-230 ICSI16D1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic Ask
FPR3315101R1012 ICSI08D1-24 ICSI08D1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 2
FPR3315101R1032 ICSI16D1 24 ICSI16D1 I/O Remote Unit - 24
Vdc ABB Procontic Ask
FPR3316101R0014 ICSI08E1-120 ICSI08E1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 4
FPR3316101R0016 ICSI08E1-230 ICSI08E1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 5
FPR3316101R0034 ICSI16E -120 ICSI16E1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 12
FPR3316101R1012 ICSI08E1-24 ICSI08E1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 2
FPR3316101R1032 ICSI16E -24 ICSI16E1 Input Unit ABB
Procontic 4
FPR3316401R0016 ICSI08E4-230 ICSI08E4 Input Unit - 230 VAC
ABB Procontic 1
FPR3319101R0082 ICSC08L1-24 ICSC08L1 I/O Unit - 24 Vdc
ABB Procontic Ask
FPR3319101R0084 ICSC08L1-120 ICSC08L1 I/O Unit - 120 Vac
ABB Procontic 3
FPR3319101R0086 ICSC08L1-230 ICSC08L1 I/O Unit - 230 Vac
ABB Procontic 2
FPR3319102R1162 ICFC16l1 Flat I/O Remote Unit ABB
Procontic 4
FPR3323101R1012 ICSF08D1 ICSF08D1 High Speed Counter ABB
Procontic Ask
FPR3327101R0204 ICSK20F1-120 ICSK20F1 I/O Remote Unit -
120VAC ABB Procontic Ask
FPR3327101R0206 ICSK20F1-230 ICSK20F1 I/O Remote Unit ABB
Procontic 2
FPR3341501R1042 ICSA04B5 Analog I/O Remote Unit ABB
Procontic 36
FPR3346501R1012 ICSE 08 B5, ICSE08B5-24. ICSE08B5 Remote
Analog Unit - 24 VDC ABB Procontic Ask
FPR3600227R0204 07KR31 07 KR 31 Central Processing Unti
ABB Procontic Ask
FPR3600227R0206 07KR31 07 KR 31 Central Processing Unti
ABB Procontic 1
FPR3600227R1202 07KR31 07 KR 31 Central Processing Unti
ABB Procontic Ask
GJR5210000R1 07 ET 40 R1 07ET40R1 Cardfile ABB Procontic
GJR5217500R0002 07ET83B Procontic B Rack ABB Procontic
GJR52211100R1 07YS82 07 YS 82 MODULE ABB Procontic 1
GJR5250000R0101 07KR91 Procontic CS31 Central Unit - 90
Series ABB Procontic 3
GJR5250000R0202 07KR91 07KR91 Procontic CS31 Central Unit
ABB Procontic 7
GJR5250500R0101 07 KT 92 Central Unit - 90 Series ABB
Procontic 1
GJR5250500R0202 07 KT 92 Central Unit - 90 Series ABB
Procontic Ask
GJR5250500R0262 07 KT 92 Central Unit - 90 Series ABB
Procontic Ask
GJR5251000R0202 07KP90 07KP90 RCOM Communication Module
ABB Procontic 6
GJR5251300R0101 07KT93 07 KT 93 Central Unit - 90 Series
ABB Procontic 1
GJR5251300R0161 07KT93 07KT93 Central Unit - 90 Series
ABB Procontic Ask
GJR5251300R0171 07KT93,07KT93G 07KT93 Central Unit - 90
Series ABB Procontic 1
GJR5251400R0101 ICDG32L1 ICDG 32 L1 Input/output Unit ABB
Procontic 3
GJR5252100R0201 07KT94 07KT94 CPU - Advant Controller 31
ABB Procontic Ask
GJV3072415R1 07KR220dR1, 07 KR 220 R1 ABB Procontic
Compact Configuration - 07KR220dR1 ABB Procontic 4
GJV3072428R2 07KR240R2 ,07KR240bR2, 07 KR240dR2 07 KR 240
R2 Controller-Basic Configuration 24Vdc ABB Procontic 2
ICSE08A6 FPR3345601R1012 Remote Analog Input Module ABB
Procontic 3
ICSI08E3 FPR3316301R0014 Binary Input Module - 120 Vac
ABB Procontic 2
ICSK20F1 FPR3327101R1202, ICSK20F1-24 Remote I/O Unit - 24
VDC ABB Procontic 16
ICSM06A6 FPR3350601R1062 Analog I/O Remote Unit ABB
Procontic 27
ICSO08Y1 FPR3311101R0024 Binary Input Module - 24 Vdc ABB
Procontic Ask
ICSO16N1 FPR3313101R1052 I/O Remote Unit - Digital Output
ABB Procontic 43
70 AA 02a-E HESG 446433 R1 70 AA 02a-E Analog Output
Module ABB Procontrol P13 36
70 AB 01b-E HESG 446867 R2 70AB01b-E Digital Output Module
ABB Procontrol P13 59
70 AS 04b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 04b-E Motor Control
Module ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 AS 06a-E HESG 332112 R1 70 AS 06a-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 Ask
70 AS 32a-E HESG 332121 R1 70 AS 32a-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 6
70 AS 40b-E HESG332140R1 70 AS 40b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
70 AS 41b-E 70AS41b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 AS 45b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 45b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 13
70 AS 46b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 46b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 32
70 AS 47b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 47b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 5
70 AS 67a-E HESG 332112 R1 70 AS 67a-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 7
70 BA 01b HESG 446421 R2 70 BA 01b Module ABB Procontrol
P13 8
70 BK 02a-E HESG 332077 R1 70 BK 02a-E Bus Coupling Module
ABB Procontrol P13 8
70 BL 02C HESG 332157 R2 70 BL 02C Cable ABB Procontrol
P13 2
70 BL 30a HESG 446528 R1 70 BL 30a Module ABB Procontrol
P13 2
70 BL 31a HESG 332123 R3 70 BL 31a Cable ABB Procontrol
P13 3
70 BT 01b HESG 446998 R1 70 BT 01b Bus Transfer Module
ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 BV 01b-E HESG 446421 R1 70 BV 01b-E Bus Module ABB
Procontrol P13 25
70 EA 01b-E HESG 447038 R1 70 EA 01b-E Analog Input Module
ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 EA 02a-E HESG 446409 R1 70EA02a-E Analog Input Module
ABB Procontrol P13 33
70 EA 03a-E HESG 446680 R1 70 EA 03a-E Analog Input Module
ABB Procontrol P13 14
70 EA 04a-E HESG 446542 R1 70 EA 04a-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
70 EA 04b-E HESG 447103 R1 70 EA 04b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 Ask
70 EB 01b-E HESG 447005 R2 70EB01b-E Digital Input Module
ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 EB 02b-E HESG 446889 R4 70 EB 02b-E Digital Input
Module ABB Procontrol P13 58
70 EB 03a HESG 446729 R1 70 EB 03a Dgitial Input Module
ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 ER 01a HESG 446457 R1 70 ER 01a Module ABB Procontrol
P13 1
70 FA 01A HESG 223063 R1 70 FA 01A Intra-Plant Bus Access
Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 14
70 FA 01b HESG 223140 R1 70 FA 01b Intra-Plant Bus Access
Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 8
70 FK 01b HESG 447016 R1 70 FK 01b Module ABB Procontrol
P13 20
70 FK01a HESG446048R1 70FK01a Module ABB Procontrol P13
70 FV 01a-E HESG 332101 R1 70 FV 01a-E Control Module ABB
Procontrol P13 Ask
70 PR 02a-E HEIE 310247 R1 70 PR 02a-E Processor Module
ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 PR 03c-E HESG 223150 R1 Processor Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 30b-E HESG 446775 R1 70 SK 30b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 31b-E HESG 447060 R1 70 SK 31b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 Ask
70 SK 32a-E HESG 446706 R1 70 SK 32a-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 33b-E HESG 446917 R2 70 SK 33b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 3
70 SK 34b-E HESG 446760 R2 70 SK 34b-E Coupling Module -
Micro Computer ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 36b-E HESG 446959 R1 70 SK 36b-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 37b-E HESG 446764 R2 70 SK 37b-E Coupling Module -
Micro Computer ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 SL 01a HESG 332043 R1 70 SL 01a Simulator Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
70 VV 01a HESG 447043 R1 70 VV 01a Module ABB Procontrol
P13 2
70 WA 01a-E HESG 446707 R1 70 WA 01a-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 3
70 WB 01a HESG 446532 R1 70 WB 01a Module ABB Procontrol
P13 29
70AA01a-E 70AA01a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70AA02B-E HESG447388R0001 Output Module for Current
Signals ABB Procontrol P13 1
70AB02B-E HESG446933R0002 Output Module with Contacts ABB
Procontrol P13 1
DD 371a HEIE 420334 R1 DD 371a Module ABB Procontrol P13
DT 370a GJR2 237600 R1 DT 370a Module ABB Procontrol P13
DT 371a GIR2 242100 R1 DT 371a Module ABB Procontrol P13
HESG 446917 R1 70 SK 33b-E HESG 446917 R1 Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
KT 5191a HEIA 100323 R1 KT 5191a Module ABB Procontrol
P13 1
KT 7386a HEIE 210050 R1 KT 7386a Module ABB Procontrol
P13 Ask
KT 8991a HESG 446869 R1 KT 8991a Module ABB Procontrol
P13 1
LR370A-E GJR2242000R0001 ABB Procontrol P13 Module ABB
Procontrol P13 1
LT 370c GJR2 336500 R1 LT 370c Module ABB Procontrol P13
LT 371a GJR2 240200 R1 LT 371a Module ABB Procontrol P13
LT 9673a HESG 446076 R1 LT 9673a Module ABB Procontrol
P13 1
UA 380a-E HEIE 421392 R1 UA 380a-E Module ABB Procontrol
P13 4
UA379A-E HSEG332084R0001 ABB Procontrol P13 Module ABB
Procontrol P13 Ask
UT 372c GKWN000070R1, UT 372c-sR1 UT 372c-sR1 Module ABB
Procontrol P13 6
UV5627B-E HEIE420007R0001 Vibration Monitor Unit Analyzer
ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
XT 375a-E HEIE 420142 R1 XT 375a-E Module ABB Procontrol
P13 3
XT 377 e-E HESG 446624R1 XT 377 e-E Module ABB
Procontrol P13 11
XT-376a HEIE 420158 R1 XT-376a Module ABB Procontrol P13
XT-382b GKWE 001450 R9 XT-382b Module ABB Procontrol P13
XV 77135 HESG 223040 R1 XV 77135 Module ABB Procontrol
P13 4
XV 7715b HESG 446108 R1 XV 7715b Module ABB Procontrol
P13 7
XV 7717b HESG 446144 R1 XV 7717b Module ABB Procontrol
P13 6
XV 7718b HESG 446139 R1 XV 7718b Module ABB Procontrol
P13 5
XV7713b ProControl Unit ABB Procontrol P13 4
XV7717C HESG447027R0001 Procontol Module ABB Procontrol
P13 1
ZT 372a-E GJR2 237800 R1 ZT 372a-E Module ABB Procontrol
P13 1
61615-0-1200000 Digitric 500 Digitric 500 Panel Controller
AV 02 H&B Contronic AV 02 Module ABB H&B Contronic 2
AV 05 H&B Contronic Module Hartmann & Braun 7
AV 06 AV06 H&B AV 06 Contronic Module ABB H&B Contronic
AV 08 AV08 H&B Contronic AV 08 module ABB H&B Contronic
AV 31 H&B Contronic AV 31 (AV31) Module ABB H&B
Contronic 195
AV 41 AV41 H&B Contronic AV 41 Module ABB H&B Contronic
AV 42 AV42 H&B Contronic AV 42 Module ABB H&B Contronic
AV 43 H&B Contronic AV 43 (AV43) Module ABB H&B
Contronic 13
AV 97 H&B Contronic Module Hartmann & Braun 15
AV 98 AV98 H&B Contronic AV 98 Module ABB H&B Contronic
AW 01 AW01 H&B Contronic AW 01 Module ABB H&B Contronic
AW 02 H&B Contronic AW 02 Module ABB H&B Contronic 17
AW 03 AW03 H&B Contronic AW 03 Module ABB H&B Contronic
AW 05 H&B Contronic AW 05 Module ABB H&B Contronic 1
DAI 01 DAI01 Analog Input Module ABB H&B Freelance 2000
DAI 04 Analog Input Module ABB H&B Freelance 2000 9
DAI 05 336025 DAI 05 Analog Input Module ABB H&B
DAO 01 DAO 01 Analog Output Module ABB H&B Freelance
2000 6
DCO 01 0369666 DCO01 Serial Interface Module ABB H&B
DCP 02 369654 DCP 02 CPU Module ABB H&B Freelance 2000
DCP 10 37211-4-0338701 DCP 10 CPU Module ABB H&B
DFC 01 37261-4-0369529 FieldController Main Board ABB
DFE 01 37262-4-0369565 Ethernet Module 10Base2 ABB H&B
DFI01 P37112-4-036-9681 Pulse Input Module ABB H&B
DFM 11 37262-4-0369575 Profibus DPV1 Module ABB H&B
DFP 01 37264-4-0369562 FieldController Power Supply Module